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Speech and Language therapy delivered via teletherapy: Case studies and guidance for working with children with Down Syndrome

Speech and Language therapy delivered via teletherapy: Case studies and guidance for working with children with Down Syndrome

Alys Mathers, Speakaboo (Independent Speech and Language Therapy service)



Background: The Speakaboo therapy team have been providing Speech and Language Therapy services via teletherapy to children with Down Syndrome and their families for over 3 years. The efficacy of this service has been evaluated via case studies. With the sudden changes to service delivery options available due to the pandemic, and the existing barriers of access to services due to time, distance, and availability of specialist therapists, remote therapy has been increasingly adopted.

Research Questions: From parents, setting staff and Speech and Language therapist experience:

Method: The views of 3 parents, 3 members of setting staff and 2 Speech and Language therapists are being collected via interview. These interviews are being conducted on video call by someone unknown to the interviewee. Key themes will be identified from the interviews and summarized.

Results and Conclusion: As all interviews have not yet been completed results and conclusions cannot yet be drawn. They will be shared in the symposium.



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Video Presentation: