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Stay in touch with everything we are doing to improve education for children with Down syndrome. Sign up for emails today.

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Currently, we provide information in English. Your preference will help us plan future improvements and translations.

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Data protection and privacy

We are committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring the security of any personal data we hold.

  • We will store your personal information securely and limit access to it for the purposes you have requested.
  • We will only use your personal information for the purposes of keeping you informed about our activities, services and resources.
  • You can unsubscribe at any time.
  • We will never sell or otherwise pass on your contact details to anyone else.
  • We may share your information among organisations that are part of DSE, but only for the purposes of keeping you informed about our activities, services and resources. (By "part of DSE" we mean Down Syndrome Education International, Down Syndrome Education USA or Down Syndrome Education Enterprises CIC.)
  • We will store and process your personal information only on systems securely located within the UK, the EU and/or the USA.

For further information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.